What’s all the BUZZ about?
By now, you’ve probably heard that bees are overall good for the environment and agriculture. Over the years, much has been made about the dire situations we might face if the bee population is significantly reduced, and how it can negatively impact production of thousands of different crops and plants. While none of this is news, you may not have known that bees can be extremely helpful at reducing your property taxes on Texas ranches, farms, and land.
In this month’s blog post, we’ll look at some of the tax benefits of bees in Texas for ranch, farm, and landowners.
Bees Qualify Your Property for an “Ag Exemption”
In Texas, if you own more than 5 acres of rural or residential land, you may apply for a special “Open Space” land valuation for raising honey bees on your property and save thousands on your property taxes each year!
Having honey bee colonies managed on your land may qualify you (whether you own them yourself or someone else owns them and manages them for you) for a 1-d-1 Open Space special land valuation (commonly called “Ag Exemption”) under specific conditions, as listed under the Texas Tax Code Chapter 23, Subchapter D, Sect. 23.51 (1) and (2) as well as your County Appraisal District’s specific Land Valuation Rules (each local appraisal district can set their own standards and requirements for the beekeeping valuation within the context of the Texas Tax Code), because the Texas Constitution permits special agricultural appraisal if the land meets specific requirements defining farm and ranch use. This can be achieved by “using the land to raise or keep bees for pollination or for the production of human food or other tangible products having a commercial value.”
In effect, your land will be valued at a lower price because it is being used for agricultural related activities and the production of honey, propolis or wax.